Large mail attachment

Begonnen von david, 27. Mai 2011, 15:36:56

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema

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On an ILC170, when I sent a mail with a large attachement (6MB), after about 10min, I get an error: ERROR_C = 0000FF00; ERROR_T := 02. At this point, about 5425707 of 6768271 bytes are sent. At the mail server I get the following message in the maillog:
postfix/smtpd[24422]: lost connection after DATA (5425707 bytes) from unknown[plc_ip]
postfix/smtpd[24422]: disconnect from unknown[plc_ip]
When I sent a mail with the Phoenix Contact IT library with this file attached, it works.


network_v122_patch (receive-timeout-error)
(system: pcworx,codesys,beckhoff)

import the changed blocks in your lib or project

[gelöscht durch Administrator]


Thanks a lot for the quick solution!