oscat.lib > oscat.lib fuer CoDeSys 3

Oscat basic 331 codesys3, problem with namespace



I have downloaded the library "Oscat basic 331 codesys3" to be used in my project. After this i get compile errors saying:

"there are two libraries with the same namespace STANDARD"

 I guess this is because I have the LIB "Standard" allready in the codesys and this Oscat Lib is dependent on "Standard" as it looks like in the Library manager.

How can I solve this? I guess I somehow have to change so the Oscat LIB will be dependent on my existing "Standard" instead, But how?

Best regards

I had the same trouble with SoMachine (Schneider) but guess this could work for you:

For people that might have the same problem (sorry, can't write German) but this is a setting in SoMachine that will allow yuo to use this latest version of OSCAT library.

The reason is that the name is in conflict with another (standard) library.

The procedure to resolve this problem:
* start SoMachine and choose to open Library File
* search for the installed OSCAT library and open de library
* under the "Program" tab you select the POU view
* open the "Library Manager" in the explorer window
* right Click on the OSCAT library in the window on the right and choose for "Properties"
* a new window opens and select "Newest version Always"
* click on "Save Project And Install In Library Repository" (the symbol next to the "normal" save symbol

This will do the trick. The person that had this problem for sure has already resolved this problem but hope this solution helps others.

Posted it here on this forum: http://www.oscat.de/community/index.php/topic,1834.0.html


I did as you said and now it works nice.



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