Ambiguous Name with Oscat 3.31 on Codesys/ Schneider 3.0

Begonnen von Romeu Ribeiro, 10. März 2014, 16:14:34

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Romeu Ribeiro

Hello to everyone.

First of all I apologize for not writing in German, but it is a language in which I am not fluent.

The question that I'm asking is not new, but have followed the instructions in this post:,1834.msg10288.html#msg10288 and still not working.  I still have errors because ambiguous use of name in different libraries.

I insert the Oscat lib 3.31 in library repository, and after compiled I have several errors :"ambiguous use of Name TON"

I need help or any tips on how to solve this problem. please I appreciate any help.

Thanks in advance