IP_CONTROL 16#00FF0000

Begonnen von tomtomgooo, 11. Oktober 2014, 13:37:52

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema

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I'am a french oscat's user and i have a little problem with network.lib.
In all my test i have this error 16#00FF0000

I have codesys and wago 750-841
network.lib is 121hf1

I have attached an scree print for understand

[gelöscht durch Administrator]



error code : 00ff0000 = data send error

have you in the sps-control a valid gateway address and subnetmask set ?

latest network lib (v1.30)


Thank you for your answer,
I have rightly configurate the wago ( I can send and receive on http_get(wago) in an another program )

I have try with the 1.30 version, it is the same result.

I have sniffed with wireshark and I can see that nothing in sended between wago and gateway

Thx for your help 


in the network-library in the folder "demo" are demo programs
you can try it

do you use a very old firmware?


I have tried dns_rev_demo, and it is the same result, always timeout.

I'am with    Firmware revision    01.11.01 (09)

Is it too old?


Is it too old?

may be
the library works normally without any problems on the 750-841

-> get the latest firmware from wago support


Thanks for help, with firmware 21 all is now ok.
Merci  :)