oscat.lib > oscat.lib fuer CoDeSys 3

SMTP Client with Demo Program Berghoff SPS


Hallo Everyone..

I am trying to use the SMTP_Client FB for sending Emails using a Berghoff EC2200 PLC with CoDeSys V3.5 SP6 Patch 3. I use the Demo Program in the Oscat Network library, with no changes except for the DNS address. I get the ERROR_C = 16#FF and EROOR_T = 16#02. Could someone suggest what could be wrong.

i am using the OSCAT NETWORK version library, and can ping mail.gmx.net from my PLC, and have also put the DNS Server address and the Gateway address in the PLC. This DNS Server i find  with the nslookup command. Other than the DNS nothing has been changed in the DEMO Program.
Could someone help with this.Sorry to be writing in English.

ERROR_C = 16#FF, ERROR_T = 16#02



Does your SMTP_CLIENT's step get past 30?



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