oscat.lib > oscat.lib fuer CoDeSys 3


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Hi Ksanteri,
my case is quite simialar.

If i use the google DNS( then i get the same Error Id as you. But if i try using my DNS of my organization its different error Error_C = 16#0000FF00 and Error_T = 16#01.

Please do write if u get a breakthrough

Interesting, because I have tried our company DNS-server as well. The error was the same. May I have a look at your program? Can you send me a picture?

here are some of the screenshots with various trials. I also tried out the library with my
Raspberry Pi at home, i got a different error Error_T = 5 and Error_C (i forget the step no but i crossed the Step 30).
I tried with the same Pi at my office i get the same old error Error_T = 2 and Error_C =16#FF000000.

[gelöscht durch Administrator]

Hi learnetk!
Thank you for the pictures!
Peewit, what can you say about those errors?
By the way, learnetk, if I were you, I would change your email account password on something without "%"-mark. It probably could cause SMTP-mistakes I think.

I changed the password and tried..but the results were the same.


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