oscat.lib > oscat.lib fuer CoDeSys 3

e!Cockpit Ambiguos namespace/Ambigous use of name


Hello everybody,
First of all I would like to apologise for using English language.

But I have problem you might help me with. I have been scouting this forum (google translator for the win) and I know there are people using WAGO e!cockpit with Oscat library.

I had latest e!cockpit version. Installed Oscat 3.31 library. I get errors "Abigous namespace" or "Ambigous use of name ... (function)". The problem is that there is on Standart appendix part of Oscat library. It conflicts with original WAGO libraries with also includes Standart appendix library with same basic functions Oscat includes. I cannot detele appendix of Oscat librabry, appendix of WAGO library, or that WAGO library since it includes system functions.

There must be a solution, and if you could share it with me, I would owe you 1 million internet thanks.


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