oscat.lib > oscat.lib fuer CoDeSys 3


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--- Zitat von: peewit am 23. August 2018, 07:56:55 ---hello

the oscat_network library of codesys store does not contain the demo programs
you can export the demo programs yourself from the codesys 2.x library or you take them from the attached zip file.

about your problem

did you connect a real running clock to DTI?
you never get an error with ERROR_T and ERROR_C?

the data is first collected in an internal buffer and only written to a file after certain criteria.

disable "enable" after some data recordings (trig_m).
the file should be written in any case

maybe the file will be written to a different location than you think?

--- Ende Zitat ---

Thank you for the programs and quick response!
I got the programs work with codesys 2.3.

The DTI is ticking yes, though the time is not real time. I have not found yet a way to get systemtime, since Raspberry does not have RTC.
I am now using RTC function block and fixing the time with PDT.

The location.
Oh yes, I found couple files in PlcLogic folder, even I am using only '/' for path.

So, after many try and error I found combination of parameters that made it write.
But now, I changed only the filename and tried again and it is not working again.

TRIG_M I only need to trig, not keep it TRUE all the time?
Will the program write the file immediately, or once the buffer is full?

Do I need the STRUCTS: DLOG_DATA, NW_BUF_LONG, UNI_CIRCULAR_BUFFER_DATA, inside my Application? Or is it enough they just exist in the library and OSCAT NETWORK library is there?

What about GVL Constants (NETWORK_BUFFER_LONG_SIZE, variable). Does it need to be in project or it is enough it is inside library?


[gelöscht durch Administrator]


with every positive edge data are stored

it must only be available within the included library

if you restart the sps or make changes online while the datalogger is active, the current file may remain blocked.
you should always enable = false in front of these actors before. this can probably be one of the reasons


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