oscat.lib > oscat.lib fuer CoDeSys 3

Oscat - SMTP_CLIENT - Can't get to work


I'am trying looong time to get working function block - SMTP_CLIENT (send email).

Indralogic 12V12 - Bosch Rexroth L10.

I have running Mail server (Argosoft) and Iam able to connection to it from different machines via telnet or SMTP client and "send" email that's everything good.

But I'am not able send email with PLC. I successfully connect to SMTP server but, It dont go over "EHLO" command It just stays here and error is set with timeout - FF.

Please please what Iam doing wrong ? Whats means .step = 30 ? What to do to step to another step?

I trying to make it work over whole day.

SMTP server :
PLC address :
Using plain authorization (Only IP of SMTP server is set)
Using DNS - Google - - DWORD - 134744072

IP_C - ERROR - 16#FF000000 - Timeout I know. But it doesnt make sense for me. Why PLC don't continue and let itself kick by server for timeout.

I dont have specified server certificate.

Please I want to make mainterance email of machine in factory.
Thanks for help.

[gelöscht durch Administrator]

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--- Zitat von: Ohaiyo am 11. Dezember 2018, 04:17:44 ---We accept all this information as a good knowledge for us.

--- Ende Zitat ---

Well, I try to find some contact on developers of library and ask directly them.

I not able to make it working without any help because everything seems be fine on PLC side...

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