OSCAT manual in english

Begonnen von hugo, 29. August 2009, 00:30:59

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we have prepared the oscat documentation for translation into english.

- the manual is now separated in individual documents per module
- all graphics are now linked into the documents and can be reused for other languages.
- all formatting is done in a global master document linking all the individual doculemts.

now we are ready to translate any of the documents into english.
anyone who wants to help pls sign up in this thread and we will coordinate the translations.

lets help together and make oscat international.

we know that our german documentation is over 500 pages by now, but the process of individual pages allows
anyone to translate only a small fraction of the manual, and with some help we will estabish a full manual in english very soon.


Well, I am the first to post here.

my help is limited but always with a lot of goodwill

Phd0 - Philippe DULAC


Dear Philippe,

good to know that we can get some help.
I hope we can find a few more people here to split the work among many heads soon.

we will start the process in a few weeks from this thread