oscat.lib for Step7 and CFC

Begonnen von ventoneicapelli, 17. September 2009, 15:51:28

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Dear all,

Sorry but I can only read German, I hope someone could help me.

I'm trying to integrate (part of) oscat library in my project but it uses CFC.
I start integrating STIME and T_PLC_MS but I have errors during CFC compilation. I compile with no errors STIME and T_PLC_MS. After STIME compilation I got the DB64 but then if I try to compile CFC charts I got an error:

"DB 64 is outside the user range"

Do you have any clue? Now I have to modify STIME DB from DB 64 to DB 1000: in my project DB address range  start from 60 to 500 (generated from CFCs).

How to create automatically the right DB (1000) in my case? Now I have to compile STIME.SCL each time I compile the project....
How to force CFC not to use certain address? It seems it doesn't take into account my Symbol table..

Thank you very much for your help,



Hello vento,

open the symboltable and change the DB64 to DB1000 after this open the source "STIME" and start compile.
now open the source "T_PLC_MS" and start compile. Now you can use "T_PLC_MS" in each part of the program to read the systemticks.

Greetings Daniel


Thank you for your answer Daniel,

The problem arise, after the step you mentioned, when I compile my CFCs and so I got the error I cited before.
At the moment I have to:

- Compile CFC without DB 1000 (I delete it)
- Compile STIME (to have back again DB1000)

I found this steps a bit noisy and I wonder if there is a better (right?) way to do....I hope someon could indicate me the clue.



Hello vento,

it is easy, in Simatic-CFC you must set the values for the user difined area FC/FB and DB. You find it in the menu "extras -> preferences -> translate/load". In the next step change the values for the user defined area. Sorry i have only a german version of cfc installed, look at the sreenshots (German Version).

Greetings Daniel


[gelöscht durch Administrator]


Dear Daniel,

You solve my problems!
Thank you very much for your help!



Hello vento,

no problem, you are welcome!

Greetings Daniel