oscat.lib => oscat.lib fuer TwinCAT/CoDeSys => Thema gestartet von: cholopa in 04. Mai 2015, 23:51:42

Titel: Problem with FT_AVG (in english)
Beitrag von: cholopa in 04. Mai 2015, 23:51:42

Sorry for writing in English, I do not understand German, I'm Spanish...

I have download the package for codesys (oscat_basic_333.lib), my actual codesys version is I am tring to use it in a WAGO 750.881 PLC.

I want to use the function call "FT_AVG". The issue I have is that when compiling the program I get this error:

"Unknown type 'DELAY'"

Looking at the function., I see that inside a variable call buff is create of the type "DELAY":
   buff : DELAY;
   i: INT;
   init : BOOL;

As far as I know this type of VAR doesn't exist in the version of codesys I have.

Is there anything I can do?

Thanks for your time.

Francisco Lopez-Linares.

Titel: Re: Problem with FT_AVG (in english)
Beitrag von: shrimps in 05. Mai 2015, 17:39:49
Hi cholopa,
in first time i had some problems understanding the software too...
My best way was to export the whole oscat-lib to an oscat.exp file and then everytime i was looking for something i openend in an standard editor and search for i.e. DELAY and found...
Then Cutn Paste

Hope that helps

Sorry for the "small" english

best regards
Titel: Re: Problem with FT_AVG (in english)
Beitrag von: martin.k in 05. Mai 2015, 21:09:07
Hi all,

see the download area there is also a TXT-File available. If you search in the Dokumentation file (PDF): search for "delay...". Result is page 12. There you can click at the link and the viewer jumps to page 280.
Have fun!

Titel: Re: Problem with FT_AVG (in english)
Beitrag von: Lightcommander in 13. Juni 2015, 15:20:57
Hi cholopa,

DELAY is a function block of the OSCAT basic lib.
Maybe this one is excluded from building.
You can check this via Menu Project - Options - Build - Exclude Elements.
Search in the tree for the DELAY (folder basic333 - signal) and uncheck the box below the field.
The objects marked green there are excluded and therfore will not be found while building the project.
If this was the problem, it will happen again after rebuilding until all function blocks used are included in building.

I hope I was able to help you