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Beiträge - Vinnie_VdB

oscat.lib fuer CoDeSys 3 / DWORD counter
07. Januar 2017, 16:21:20
Hello all,

I am having trouble by not finding a suitable UP counter that can store values more than the approx. 65.000 but rather store the value in a DWORD
Is there a stabdard counter somewhere in teh CODESYS lib that I can use and have missed?
Is there somebody out there that can help me out please?

Thank you already,
oscat.lib fuer CoDeSys 3 / Re: A/D Convertor
28. Oktober 2013, 17:16:18
Thank you for the answer but I am looking for a CODESYS function block that could simulate this hardware module so that I can integrate this in my Schneider M258.

Thank you already
oscat.lib fuer CoDeSys 3 / A/D Convertor
27. Oktober 2013, 21:38:12
(Sorry for my English, my German isn't strong enough in writing)

I am looking for a way on how I can convert an INT value to a BOOL (AD convertor) that can replace following Siemens module:

Can somebody help on on the right track how to make this possible?
In short, I read the room temperature, bring this to a P simple P controller and get an INT value out. The set point is 25°C, the bandwidth for the P is 1°C.

All help is appriciated!
I had the same trouble with SoMachine (Schneider) but guess this could work for you:

For people that might have the same problem (sorry, can't write German) but this is a setting in SoMachine that will allow yuo to use this latest version of OSCAT library.

The reason is that the name is in conflict with another (standard) library.

The procedure to resolve this problem:
* start SoMachine and choose to open Library File
* search for the installed OSCAT library and open de library
* under the "Program" tab you select the POU view
* open the "Library Manager" in the explorer window
* right Click on the OSCAT library in the window on the right and choose for "Properties"
* a new window opens and select "Newest version Always"
* click on "Save Project And Install In Library Repository" (the symbol next to the "normal" save symbol

This will do the trick. The person that had this problem for sure has already resolved this problem but hope this solution helps others.

Posted it here on this forum: http://www.oscat.de/community/index.php/topic,1834.0.html
For people that might have the same problem (sorry, can't write German) but this is a setting in SoMachine that will allow yuo to use this latest version of OSCAT library.

The reason is that the name is in conflict with another (standard) library.

The procedure to resolve this problem:
* start SoMachine and choose to open Library File
* search for the installed OSCAT library and open de library
* under the "Program" tab you select the POU view
* open the "Library Manager" in the explorer window
* right Click on the OSCAT library in the window on the right and choose for "Properties"
* a new window opens and select "Newest version Always"
* click on "Save Project And Install In Library Repository" (the symbol next to the "normal" save symbol

This will do the trick. The person that had this problem for sure has already resolved this problem but hope this solution helps others.
oscat.lib fuer CoDeSys 3 / Re: HX calculator
06. Juli 2012, 00:36:15
Can a moderator please move this post to "oscat.lib für CoDeSys 3"?
Thank you already.
oscat.lib fuer CoDeSys 3 / HX calculator
05. Juli 2012, 18:24:01
Hello people, I am able to read German but just can't write it. I am a user of SoMachine software for both Schneider M268 and M258 PLC's. More and more do I start using them for HVAC solutions and found already a few FB's for calculating Enthalpy but what would really help is a HX calculator.
Oscat in general was a revelation when I was told about this extensive library but like written above could an HX FB really be a worthy add-on to any upcoming release.

It's a FB that has basically 3 inputs
- dry bulb temperature (regular air temperature in °C) with accuracy of 0.1°C
- % relative humidity ranging from 0 to 100% with accuracy of 0.1%RH
- atmospheric pressure in Pascal (Pa)

And then 3 outputs:
- Absolute humidity in grams/kilo air with accuracy of 0.1g/kg
- Enthalpy in kcal/kg air with an accuracy of 0.001 kcal/kg
- DewPoint temperature in °C

As this is regular HVAC is the input temperature never going to be anywhere between -50.0°C and +50.0°C (and so will the dew temperature)

Attached to this post is an Excel document that is showing the calculations to reach the 3 output results.

Sorry for writing this in English but German is not an option as this would be for all of us unreadable ;).

Thank you and keep up the good work.
Should anyone however is able to put this in a FB separately it would be much appreciated.

[gelöscht durch Administrator]