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Beiträge - svetlin_80

Codesys 2 / Re: oscat network for ABB PM592 plc
02. Oktober 2015, 13:27:28
I updated the the PLC's firmware from v.2.3.3 to v.2.4.4 and now everything is working.
Codesys 2 / Re: oscat network for ABB PM592 plc
25. September 2015, 14:14:39
Hello Victor,
Have You tested the oscat network library with ABB PLC?
I tried to use it with PM573-ETH but IP_CONTROL gives me ERROR 16#1000000 (system-specific error).
After some debugging I figured out that the function SysCreateSocket returns -1.
I'm not sure if it is compatible with ABB PLCs.