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Hi Peewit.

Oh thats a bit sad to know broadcast doesnt work with the standard Oscat network library.
Is it possible to get this working with some changes in the MB_Client and IP_Control2 for this special requirement.
I thought maybe in the MB_Client function block if i could set the C_Mode to 5 (Udp+passive+Ip Address) and then
in the IP_Control2 in the UDP_Init if the sockaddr.sin_addr be set to Broadcast, maybe it would work (please correct me).

It would be really nice if you just could suggest a way for me try out. I had found it rather difficult to find a implementation guide for Modbus UDp like the one present for Tcp. If you could suggest something it would be great.

Thanks and warm regards
Hi Peewit
Could you please help ..!

Hi Forum,

I am trying to use the MB_Client in Udp mode.The application has a Client and multiple Servers, and i have a few questions in this regard, hope you could help :
- Is it possible to use the MB_Client for Udp Broadcast to multiple servers.
- when the MB_Client recives the data from a servers, how can the client identify the servers(Ip) and its data.

Thanks and warm regards

I changed the password and tried..but the results were the same.
here are some of the screenshots with various trials. I also tried out the library with my
Raspberry Pi at home, i got a different error Error_T = 5 and Error_C (i forget the step no but i crossed the Step 30).
I tried with the same Pi at my office i get the same old error Error_T = 2 and Error_C =16#FF000000.

[gelöscht durch Administrator]
Hi Ksanteri,
my case is quite simialar.

If i use the google DNS( then i get the same Error Id as you. But if i try using my DNS of my organization its different error Error_C = 16#0000FF00 and Error_T = 16#01.

Please do write if u get a breakthrough
Hi Ksanteri
Did u get it working ??

Hi Brendang,
I have the same issue..
Did u succed with sTunnel...Can you please describe how you did that.

Hallo Everyone..

I am trying to use the SMTP_Client FB for sending Emails using a Berghoff EC2200 PLC with CoDeSys V3.5 SP6 Patch 3. I use the Demo Program in the Oscat Network library, with no changes except for the DNS address. I get the ERROR_C = 16#FF and EROOR_T = 16#02. Could someone suggest what could be wrong.

i am using the OSCAT NETWORK version library, and can ping mail.gmx.net from my PLC, and have also put the DNS Server address and the Gateway address in the PLC. This DNS Server i find  with the nslookup command. Other than the DNS nothing has been changed in the DEMO Program.
Could someone help with this.Sorry to be writing in English.

ERROR_C = 16#FF, ERROR_T = 16#02

Hallo Everyone..
I am trying to use the SMTP_Client FB for sending Emails using a Berghoff EC2200 PLC with CoDeSys V3.5 SP6 Patch 3. I use the Demo Program in the Oscat Network library, with no changes except for the DNS. I get the ERROR_C = 16#FF and EROOR_T = 16#02. What library do i need for IP_Control for the Berghoff EC2200 PLC. I tried to use the SysSocket.lib, but that doesn't seem to work.
What else could be going wrong, could someone suggest.

Thanks & Regards

some more info :
I am using the OSCAT NETWORK version library, and can ping mail.gmx.net from my PLC, and have also put the DNS Server address in the PLC. This DNS Server i find  with the nslookup command. Other than the DNS nothing has been changed in the DEMO Program.
Could someone help with this.Sorry to be writing in English.
ERROR_C = 16#FF, ERROR_T = 16#02
I tried this without using the SysSocket.lib (as i see that SysSocket23.lib is already a part of Oscat_network.lib) but i still get the same error.