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Beiträge - PhilipInc

oscat.lib fuer CoDeSys 3 / FILTER_MAV bug
24. September 2018, 20:20:17

FILTER_MAV function works wrong if the values goes down.

   tmp := UINT_TO_INT(N);
   i := INC1(i, tmp);
   Y := Y + (X - buffer) / N;
   buffer := X;

when buffer is bigger than X their difference going bellow 0 and become very large.
I find out the problem: it writes after collect 4090 bytes in buffer only.
I cannot understand why. I use TRIG_T:=1 and TRIG_M:=TRUE.
Does anybody have any example of DLOG_STORE_FILE_CSV usage?
I try to use the DLOG_STORE_FILE_CSV function to write some log to disk on Raspberry Pi device with Codesys V3. ERROR_T and ERROR_C have '0' in them but no file is written to disk.
Here is a part of my code:

   x1(X:= X, FMT:= '#A-#D-#H-#N:#R:#T', COLUMN:= 'Timestamp');
   x2(X:= X, STR:= log_text, COLUMN:= 'Message');
   x3(X:= X, STR:= 'INFO', COLUMN:= 'Category');
   x4(X:= X, STR:= strProjectName, COLUMN:= 'Project');
   x5(X:= X, STR:= strAppName, COLUMN:= 'POU');
   X:= X,
   //TRIG_T:= 1,
   FILENAME:= 'log.csv',
   DTI:= curTimeDT,
   SEP:= 44,
   ERROR_C=> ERROR_code,
   ERROR_T=> ERROR_type);

I tried '/root/log.csv' it also doesn't work. I already created the file log.csv with 777 permissions at '/root' directory where Codesys Control works.