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Beiträge - mRadek

oscat.lib fuer CoDeSys 3 / Compiller error
30. Januar 2018, 14:33:15

I try to use OSCAT library, downloaded from Codesys website.
I'm using Codesys (64-bit), OSCAT BASIC and CODESYS COntrol Win V3 x64 device

During the compilation I'm getting some errors related to the type conversions:

Cannot convert type 'POINTER TO BYTE' to type 'DWORD' in _BUFFER_CLEAR and _BUFFER_INIT objects

Did I missed any other library in my project?
I'm totally new with Codesys.

Would you help me ,please?

I found, that was my error.
I added the library to the DeviceApplication instead to the Application :)